Provide tools and training women need to transform their lives.

Gender inequality denies women and girls their inherent, God-given dignity. When women can’t contribute to support their children’s needs, entire communities suffer.

Empowering women to earn an income and support their families helps close these and other gender gaps. Education and employment lead to widespread benefits, including improved child nutrition, better health, and opportunities like small business ownership.

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries is working in partnership with local Nazarene churches in Ethiopia, Liberia, and Ghana to support the empowerment and dignity of women and girls. Your donation will help fund these projects.






Sandra, 30, lives in Ghana with her two young children, her parents, and her five siblings. Life hasn’t been easy for Sandra or her family. They survived on her father’s retirement funds, her brother’s low-income jobs, and whatever vegetables her mother could sell in season. As a single mother raising children and caring for elderly parents, there was never enough food to go around.

This discouraging reality began to change when Sandra joined the Nazarene empowerment project for women in Ghana. There, she learned from other women to make soap and start a business, skills that are having an immediate impact at home.

“Before, life was difficult ... we only had one meal a day, and that was porridge,” Sandra explained. “Now, with the project, life is better. I take care of my two children and we have two meals a day: porridge, rice, and fish.”

Sandra is now looking forward. She wants to train others in her same situation, giving them the keys to unlocking a more stable, hopeful future, while growing her business to consist of multiple shops—providing avenues for work for her entire family.

When you give, you tell women and girls that they are seen and loved by God.





These resources are provided for churches to promote the Christmas Project to their congregations. Images may be used in digital and print form.









Read about an empowerment project for women in Ethiopia

See the difference it has made.

Learn more about support projects for women and girls.

Improving the lives of women and girls in Christ's name.

Click here.