2024 Issue 1

RISING TOGETHER: A community in Ethiopia is being transformed through education, empowerment, and care for women.

  • Nazarenes across the world are learning and practicing what it means to be peacebuilders through their churches.

  • In India, a project focused on education for women’s health transformed into an economic opportunity for the women being served.

  • When fires ravaged the island of Hawaii, a church came together to respond with compassion and care.


Other Languages: Español, Português
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2023 Issue 2

COMING TOGETHER FOR HEALTH AND WHOLENESS: Nazarenes in Cote D’Ivoire prioritize community wellness through clean water and sanitation.

  • Nazarenes in Cote D’Ivoire prioritize the health and wellness of their community through clean water and sanitation (WASH).

  • In California, a local Nazarene church has spent years listening to the needs of their community and responding accordingly.

  • The Nazarene church in Croatia partnered with IKEA to meet the needs of their refugee neighbors.

  • Water wells in Myanmar are bringing sustainability to rural communities.

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2023 Issue 1

LIVING OUT COMPASSION: How the church responds in crises

  • Displaced Nazarenes serve and are served through local churches.

  • In Burundi, new farming techniques bring life-changing resources. 

  • A devastating earthquake in Nepal leads to positive community transformation. 

  • An entire village in Sri Lanka works together for the good of their community. 

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2022 Issue 2

HOPE AFTER TRAGEDY: Survivors of human trafficking change their stories

  • Survivors of human trafficking find hope in the DRC

  • Caring for kids at Nazarene schools in Jordan

  • Looms provide jobs in Guatemala

  • People learn new ways to minister during war in Ukraine

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2022 Issue 1

A NEW CREATION: Seeing Christ at a South Carolina addiction recovery center

  • Community is created through a garden in Argentina

  • God-centered addiction recovery transforms lives in South Carolina

  • In France, community members keep a food distribution running

  • Nazarenes in Hawaii make restorative justice a priority

Other Languages: Español, Português
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2021 Issue 2

WHOLE-PERSON HEALTH CARE: A new integrated health project

  • Eliminating obstacles to health care for communities in five African countries

  • Celebrating a century of compassionate service in the Middle East

  • How one family in Brazil enriches a community through an aquatic food-growing system

  • Highlighting the joys of child sponsorship in three stories from three countries

Other Languages: Español, Português
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