Around the world, thousands of children participate in church-led holistic child development programs. Many of those children attend child development centers where they receive regular spiritual, academic, physical, and emotional guidance and nurturing. These programs help children understand that God loves them, they are created in God’s image, they are valued and have God-given dignity, and they can have a personal relationship with Jesus. Nazarene holistic child development also includes child sponsorship, where children are also connected to sponsors who provide financial and emotional support for them and their families.
One of the highlights of the child sponsorship program is the letter-writing process. Children love sending and receiving letters from their sponsors! As pandemic lockdowns are slowly lifting around the world, more letters are being processed and delivered. Keep reading to see a few recent letters that have arrived from sponsored children.
A girl in 10th grade from Thailand

Dear sponsor,
I am so glad and thank you so much for being my sponsor. How have you been doing? I am doing well.
I’m so thankful to God to write this letter to you and it is my first time. Right now, I am on my final exams, so please keep me in your prayers.
By the way, how is the COVID-19 there? Is it getting better? I hope you stay safe and I’ll keep you in my prayer.
May God protect you and your family from COVID-19.
May God bless you and lead you.
A boy in 10th grade from Argentina

Dear sponsors,
First, I want to wish you a merry Christmas and a great end of the year. This year was different from others. There were plans and projects that couldn’t be carried out because of the pandemic. But, I thank God because, as a family, we keep on moving forward and we adapted to the situation. I used the time in good things and reflected on my spiritual life.
In spite of everything, this year was a blessing! I passed all of my classes in the music school and at regular school I am still handing in my last works virtually. I was able to learn more musically, spiritually and just in general, in the day to day, and help with the chores in the home.
In October my niece was born. She is very cute and sweet. Yesterday she turned 2 months old, and I turned 17.
Like I said earlier, I passed all of my classes, but it wasn’t easy. I had to get used to it and work harder.
Not long ago we started back up with face-to-face services at church. We can only have 10 people at a time. We have several services so that everyone can attend. This is progress because we had been meeting by Zoom.
On Wednesdays I go for one hour. On Saturday I have discipleship and on Sunday is the general service that we also transmit on the internet.
So, I hope that next year will be better, that we can get the vaccine and that the pandemic is over. In the meantime, I keep trusting in God and come what may, I will follow His Way. Blessings!
I am going to be praying for you that you would be able to end this year and start the new one even better.
Merry Christmas!
A girl in 7th grade from Thailand

Dear sponsor,
How have you been? For me and my family, we have been good. Since COVID-19 is appearing, I cannot go anywhere. I have to stay within my house. Since March to May, there are a lot of Thai who got infected. However, the situation is getting better. For my village, there is nobody sick. How is the situation over there? Please, take care of yourself.
Recently, I have to have online classes. But, the school will open in July. My sibling and I have to go to school, please pray for our studies. It is because I will move up to grade 7, and I will start at a new school. For my sibling, it’s also her first time at school.
Here, now, it is closed for the rainy season. How is the weather there? Please take care of yourself. Please wear a mask when you go outside. Finally, may God bless you and strengthen your family. Best regards.
A boy in 11th grade from Kenya

Dear friend,
Hello! Praise the name of the living God. I hope that you are doing good in the Lord. I will celebrate my birthday in September, and I like playing football, and [cutting the grass] in our compound and making it clean.
My parents are good because they are loving and caring. They love God and that has made us to be so much close to God. The prayers they offer for me has made me what I am now.
I go to a primary school, and my class teacher’s name is Kilisia. She is a special teacher that is well advanced in handling children with special needs. I like her because she is very understanding.
I like my church because we are all given equal opportunities to express our abilities in the area of our calling regardless of how we are.
I wish you all the best in whatever you do. God bless you.
A girl in 3rd grade from the Dominican Republic

Dear sponsor,
The difference between beach and river is that the beach is salty, and the river is fresh. I like the beach better. I can swim with a float, and I like the waves. I have not visited since we cannot be in social groups. We are taking care of the Coronavirus, and staying at home, using protocols.

A boy in 12th grade from Kenya

Dear sponsors,
I greet you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. During the Easter holiday I went to a children’s home to spend my time with needy children and orphans. We shared many things on that day including food, clothes, shoes, and Bibles. We also went for a walk with the children to have fun with them at a national park to see wild animals. They were very happy. I also participate in church activities like arranging the chairs, mopping the floors, and washing the windows and curtains.
I want to thank you for your support which you offered to me for my education until now where I reached my final year at school. May the good Lord guide your family and protect you all for what you have done.
Thank you,
Yours Faithfully
Learn more about the child sponsorship program here.