This report was submitted by staff of a child development center in Paraguay. To reach their community, this center has a strong focus on sports ministry and English classes.
Each year at our child development center, one group of students graduate, and a group of new students joins. This year, 90 percent of our new children live with ADHD and language difficulties. As a result, the dynamics of the classes, devotionals, and activity times we provide have been adjusted to help them focus, learn sports techniques, follow instructions properly, and develop discipline. All groups have adapted well to these changes and improved their interactions with peers and God.
As part of spiritual care for each child, we maintained weekly follow-ups on devotionals. We covered the book of Genesis, emphasizing the values found in each story and the theme of conflict resolution in relationships. We have begun using new material for the second half of the year, and the discussions have been truly engaging.
The weekly nutritious snack time is a success—fruits, cereals, and milk are devoured! We also provide alternatives for those who have dietary needs.
We have held soccer classes and psychological and family counseling, celebrated birthdays monthly, and observed special occasions with the students. Our English classes focus on conversational and sports-related language. Through interactive games and visual aids, the children have made significant progress.

In January, halfway through the year, we placed a sign at the entrance announcing open registrations.
Juan*, a boy from the neighborhood, had been insisting for months that his parents bring him to the center. However, his mother was convinced that we didn’t offer soccer classes—until she saw the sign on the door! She quickly enrolled both him and his little brother, and they are now happily participating in the center's activities.
Other parents have shared how good they feel about bringing their children here.
“I don’t know why, but I feel so good with you all,” said Carmen, Paulina’s* mother. “Our marriage is going through a rough time, but when we come here, and you listen to us, I feel better.”
A recent special event featured a young woman with a missionary calling who had participated in a mission trip. Before departing on the trip, she visited the center to share her calling with us, and after the event, she returned to share her testimony and show photos.
For the teenagers who attend our center, it was a great blessing to see a young woman from an underprivileged neighborhood get to travel, receive training in missions, and achieve difficult goals. One of the limiting beliefs we face here in Paraguay is the widespread mindset that "it can't be done.” Changes and challenges are often seen as impossible. Her testimony was encouraging and inspiring, showing the students that every obstacle can be overcome by God.
We look forward to the new challenges this next semester will bring. We thank God for His guidance in every detail.
* Children’s names are changed for protection.