Our hearts ache for those in Afghanistan—those who are in danger, those who are afraid, and those who are hurting. In times of grieving, the Psalms offer lament to cry out to God in prayer

I cry out to you from the depths, Lord - my Lord, listen to my voice! (Psalm 130:1-2, CEB)
We, too, cry out to God. Read on for prompts to guide your prayers for Afghanistan.
Lord, hear our prayers.
Pray for those who remain in Afghanistan and fear what the future holds. Pray for peace and safety for all people.
Pray that the international community will welcome more refugees and asylum seekers fleeing danger, persecution, and violence.

Pray for the women and girls of Afghanistan. Pray for their safety and comfort, and pray for their futures.
Pray for those who are hungry and those living in makeshift camps. Pray they will have access to food to sustain them, adequate shelter and sufficient healthcare.

Pray for the many who have served in strengthening the Afghan community, many of whom have been waiting for years for promised resettlement options. Pray for their safety and also for their families’ safety, as families are in danger of being targeted.
Pray for Christians in the country who may face rising persecution. Pray for their safety and community as followers of Christ.

Pray for those who are causing pain and suffering that they would know the transformative love of God.

Nazarene Compassionate Ministries works through the global network of local Nazarene churches. The Church of the Nazarene does not currently have a presence in Afghanistan, but you can download resources and learn more about Nazarene immigrant and refugee ministries in other parts of Asia and around the world here.
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